If you have enjoyed our concerts, why not become a Friend of the Orchestra?
It costs £12 to be a friend or £20 for a joint subscription and this enables you to get a 20% discount on tickets, the code for which will be distributed once we have received your payment. Please note: Single membership entitles you to a discount on one ticket and joint membership entitles you to a discount on two tickets.
Friends benefit from early notification of concerts and FREE orchestral workshops. We have one each term and these include workshops to explore the works of local composers, workshops for conductors to expand their skills and a concerto workshop showcasing the talents of various sections in the orchestra and are really exciting opportunities for the orchestra and Friends to enjoy together.
If you would like to support us by becoming a Friend, please complete and submit a Friends application form accessible from the link below.
We are grateful to all those whose support makes our music possible.
We are always interested to talk to new prospective sponsors.
For further information please contact us.